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Snowden 2016

The NSA's illegal surveillance techniques are leaked to the public by one of the agency's employees, Edward Snowden, in the form of thousands of classified documents distributed to the press.
7.3/10 IMDb
Biography,Crime,Drama It's a great Oliver stone movie, seems right up his alley to do a film About a conspiracy and about questioning the government. It's weird when people do movies about such recent events but hey that's how fast the media works these days. It's a great ensemble cast as Stone tells the story of Edward Snowden who discovered that the government was spying on us weather we did anything wrong or not and decides to let us all know. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Snowden as a very likable guy, even if he was a Bush supporter, but most importantly he was a dude who loves his country and felt what they were doing to its citizens was wrong. As Snowden, Levitt had the biggest chunk of screen time in a film filled with well know actors taking small, but important roles, like Zachary Quinto who played the guardian journalist chosen to tell Snowden's story and Nicolas Cage who's character acted like a mentor for Snowden's at the CIA. Stone's fairness to the whole situation is painting a lovely portrait of the whistle blower himself